PORT HEDLAND - BEDOUT ISLAND, WA Sheet SF 50-4 and part of Sheet SE 50-16 (3rd edition, Version 1.0)

PORT HEDLAND - BEDOUT ISLAND, WA Sheet SF 50-4 and part of Sheet SE 50-16

Author: Van Kranendonk, MJSmithies, RH

Publication date: 30 June 2006

Format: Map

Type: 1:250 000 Geological Series Map

Scale: 1:250 000



Product details

  • Tectonic Units
    Canning Basin, East Pilbara Granite-Greenstone Terrane, Hamersley Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Pilbara Craton

  • Maps

  • Geological ages
    Archean, Cenozoic, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Mesozoic, Precambrian, Proterozoic, Quaternary

  • Broad Terms
    Geochronology, Geological mapping, Geophysical interpretation, Magnetic surveys, Mineral deposits, Mineral occurrence, Mineralization, Regional geology, Regolith, Sedimentary geology, Stratigraphy, Structural geology, Tectonics

  • Commodities
    Asbestos - serpentine (chrysotile), Barite, Beryl, Chert, Chromium, Clay, Copper, Gold, Iron, Iron ore, Lead, Lithium, Manganese, Mica, Nickel, Silver, Tantalum, Tiger Eye, Tin, Zinc