Graphite in Western Australia

Graphite in Western Australia

Author: Fetherston, JM

Series Number: 26

Publication date: 08 April 2015

Format: PDF online (free)

Type: Mineral Resources Bulletin 26

ISSN: 1834-2280

Pages: 84



Product details

  • Western Australia has many known graphite prospects. Previously, only small tonnages were mined, mostly from the Munglinup deposit in the far south of the State. Currently, two Australian companies are well advanced in the exploration for new high-grade, flake graphite deposits. In the east Kimberley region, the McIntosh deposit has been identified as having five high-grade graphite targets.

    To date, open-ended McIntosh Target 1 has an identified resource of 7.135 Mt grading 4.73% total graphite. At Yalbra, in the central west of the State, six closely spaced graphite targets have been identified. Yalbra 1 is an open-ended target with a very high grade resource of 4.022 Mt grading 16.17% total graphite.

    These potential mining operations, together with existing graphite deposits such as Munglinup, with an estimated resource of 1.47 Mt at 18.2% total carbon, should stand Western Australia in a favourable position for future exports of high-grade flake and finer grade graphite products into world markets.

  • Tectonic Units

  • Maps
    Western Australia(250K)

  • Geological ages
    Archean, Mesoproterozoic

  • Keywords
    Western Australia, applications, beneficiation, graphite, industrial minerals, mineral exploration, natural resources, Albany-Fraser Orogen, Capricorn Orogen, Gascoyne Province, Halls Creek Orogen, Lamboo Province, Northampton Inlier, Paterson Orogen, Yilgarn Craton

  • Broad Terms
    Mineral deposits, Mineral exploration, Mineral occurrence, Mineralization

  • Commodities