Gemstones of Western Australia second edition (2nd edition)

Gemstones of Western Australia second edition

Author: Fetherston, JMStocklmayer, SMStocklmayer, VC

Series Number: 25

Publication date: 23 February 2017

Format: PDF online (free)

Type: Mineral Resources Bulletin 25

Pages: 356

Product details

  • The second edition of Gemstones of Western Australia is an updated version published in response to public demand following depletion of copies of the 2013 edition. These editions form the first systematic works on the subject of gemstones found in the State since the formal inception of the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) in 1896. In this second joint publication by GSWA and the Gemmological Association of Australia (GAA), the authors have once again assembled a comprehensive resource on almost all gemstones and decorative stones used in jewellery and ornamental sculpture known in the State. The second edition has been updated and expanded to include additional occurrences of emerald, opal, agate, chalcedony, organic gems, tiger eye jasper, aragonite, cordierite, black jade, mookaite, fuchsite, jasper, and Munjina and Print stones, together with numerous, new gemstone images. Geographical locations are indicated where possible, and abundant references to earlier work given.

    While systematically sound and scientifically authoritative, the second edition of Gemstones of Western Australia is written not only for the professional geologist and gemmologist, but also with the experienced fossicker and amateur rockhound in mind.

  • Tectonic Units
    Western Australia

  • Maps
    Western Australia(250K)

  • Geological ages
    Archean, Cambrian, Cenozoic, Devonian, Mesoproterozoic, Neoproterozoic, Paleoproterozoic, Paleozoic, Permian, Quaternary

  • Keywords
    chemical analysis, gem cutting, gemstones, history, lapidary, mineral exploraiton, mining legislation, natural resources, ornamental stone

  • Broad Terms
    Mineral deposits, Mineral exploration, Mineral occurrence, Mineralogy, Regional geology

  • Commodities
    Amethyst, Andalusite, Beryl, Calcite, Chrysoprase, Diamond, Dolomite, Emerald, Feldspar, Fluorite, Garnet, Gold, Granite; Granitoid, Hematite, Lepidolite, Limestone, Marble, Opal, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz (crystal), Rhodonite, Serpentine; Serpintine, Silver, Talc, Tiger Eye, Topaz, Tourmaline, Turquoise, Variscite, Zebra rock