Dimension stone in Western Australia: Volume 2 - Dimension stones of the Southern, Central Western, and Northern Regions

Dimension stone in Western Australia: Volume 2 - Dimension stones of the Southern, Central Western, and Northern Regions

Author: Fetherston, JM

Series Number: 24

Publication date: 04 October 2010

Format: Book

Type: Mineral Resources Bulletin 24

ISSN: 0508-4741

Pages: 218


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    This Mineral Resources Bulletin completes a two-volume series on dimension stone in Western Australia. The first volume reviewed the industry, and dimension stones in the southwest region of the State This volume encompasses 117 sites covering dimension stone quarries, prospects, and historical sites throughout three broad areas of the State. These include the southern region covering Albany, Esperance, Fraser Range, and Kalgoorlie - Boulder. The central western area extends from Mount Magnet to Shark Bay and north to the Ashburton River, and the northern region includes parts of the west Pilbara and southern Kimberley.

  • Geological ages
    Archean, Phanerozoic, Proterozoic

  • Keywords
    Building stones, economic aspects, building stone industry, history, mines and mineral resources, mineral industries, Western Australia, Southern, central western, northern regions of Western Australia

  • Broad Terms
    Economic geology, Geological mapping, Geomorphology, Mineral deposits, Mineral exploration

  • Commodities
    Building stone, Conglomerate, Dimension stone, Dolerite, Granite; Granitoid, Jasper, Limestone, Marble, Opal, Pegmatite, Quartzite, Sandstone, Spongolite

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